Mining Monday: Energy Revisions, Nigeria’s Leap & Paxos’ Refund

The Bitcoin mining sector is a realm of constant evolution, where energy considerations, national initiatives, and transactional intricacies converge. This week, we spotlight the recalibration of Bitcoin’s energy consumption metrics by Cambridge, Nigeria’s assertive push into sustainable mining, Elon Musk’s anticipated response to Bitcoin’s sustainable energy strides, a notable transaction oversight by Paxos that became a testament to the community’s integrity and the latest updates from Riot & Hive. As these narratives unfold, they underscore the intricate balance between technology, policy, and community trust that defines the industry. Dive into this edition of Mining Monday as we dissect these pivotal moments and their broader implications for the cryptoverse.

Cambridge’s Updated Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index

Cambridge University’s Centre for Alternative Finance recently unveiled crucial adjustments to its Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index (CBECI). The CBECI, a pivotal tool for gauging the energy demands of the Bitcoin network, had initially estimated the 2021 consumption at a staggering 104 terawatt-hours (TWh). However, after recalibration, this figure was revised downward to 89 TWh, marking a notable 15 TWh reduction. To contextualize this adjustment, the 15 TWh difference is equivalent to the annual energy consumption of around 1.4 million average American homes. The need for this revision arose from a more nuanced understanding of the diverse contributions of different miners to the total hash rate. Rapid advancements in ASIC technology, coupled with better efficiency, underscored the necessity for a more accurate representation of Bitcoin’s energy footprint.

Bitcoin Mining’s Renewable Energy Transition and Tesla’s Response

In a significant development, over half of the energy used for Bitcoin mining now comes from renewable sources. This shift is attributed in part to miners relocating from China following the country’s mining ban, as well as certain nations leveraging mining to capitalize on stranded and excess energy. This transition towards greener energy sources for mining has been closely watched by major corporations, including Tesla. Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO, had previously stated in 2021 that the company would resume accepting Bitcoin payments once the clean energy usage by miners reached approximately 50% “with a positive future trend.” With this benchmark seemingly achieved, the industry is keenly awaiting Tesla’s next move. However, as of this time, Musk has not made any public announcement regarding Tesla resuming BTC payments.

Nigeria’s Electricity Act and Its Impact on Bitcoin Mining

Nigeria, with its 2023 Electricity Act, is emerging as a leader in sustainable Bitcoin mining, leveraging its vast 93,950 Megawatts of untapped renewable energy potential. This energy profile comprises 68% from hydroelectric sources, 7% from solar, 2% from wind, and 21% from nuclear power. Companies like Gridless Compute, Big Block Green Services, and Trojan Mining are pioneering green mining in Nigeria using these renewable sources. The government’s forward-thinking approach is further highlighted by the Nigeria Blockchain Policy Bill and the Electricity Act. The latter mandates electricity producers to meet renewable energy obligations set by the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC). Additionally, the NERC allows any entity to generate up to 1 megawatt (MW) of electricity without a license, facilitating the growth of Bitcoin mining operations in the country.

Paxos’ Transaction Fee Incident: Trust in the Industry

A recent incident involving Paxos has underscored the importance of trust and transparency in the cryptoverse. Paxos, a prominent financial institution in the space, mistakenly paid a $500,000 transaction fee for a $2,000 Bitcoin transfer. While initial speculations erroneously linked the transaction to PayPal, Paxos swiftly took responsibility for the oversight. The miner, Chun, who was on the receiving end of this unexpected windfall, was faced with an ethical decision. After engaging with the crypto community and weighing the moral implications, Chun opted to return the funds. This incident serves as a reminder of the collaborative spirit that defines the decentralized blockchain industry and the importance of trust in maintaining its integrity.

Riot and HIVE: Adapting to Market Dynamics

The volatile nature of the market often has cascading effects on associated industries. A recent dip in Bitcoin’s price coupled with dwindling hash prices have had notable repercussions on the production metrics of public Bitcoin miners. Riot Platforms, in its latest report, indicated a 19% decrease from its July figures, with a production tally of 333 BTC. On the other hand, HIVE Digital reported a slight increase in its production metrics. Beyond these figures, both companies are showcasing strategic adaptability. Riot, for instance, has capitalized on energy sales during the peak heatwaves in Texas, generating a significant $31.7 million from ‘Power Credits’ and ‘Demand Response Credits’. HIVE, leveraging its expertise from Ethereum mining, is exploring the AI sector, aiming to repurpose its GPUs for high-performance computing tasks.

The Bitcoin mining industry is in a state of constant flux, with each week bringing new challenges and opportunities. AsicZ remains committed to providing daily insights through our blog and solutions for both seasoned miners and those new to the space. is your definitive source for a wide range of mining hardware, profitability calculators, and innovative services like MaaS (Mining as a Service) for all your mining-related needs. Stay connected for more in-depth analyses and updates from the industry.


Mining Monday: Energy Revisions, Nigeria’s Leap & Paxos’ Refund