Pioneering the Future of Bitcoin Mining in Oman

Nestled in the heart of the Persian Gulf lies Oman, a nation that is rapidly emerging as a prominent player in the world of Bitcoin mining. With its rich cultural heritage, forward-thinking policies, and a commitment to sustainable growth, Oman has set its sights on becoming a global powerhouse in the Bitcoin mining industry. AsicZ recently had the privilege of witnessing this transformation firsthand, and we’re excited to share our insights.

Oman: A Promising Hub for Bitcoin Mining

Oman’s journey towards becoming a prominent player in the Bitcoin mining sector is nothing short of remarkable. The nation, traditionally known for its rich history and breathtaking landscapes, is now making headlines in the world of Bitcoin mining. The country is situated on the southeastern coast of the Persian Gulf and shares its borders with the United Arab Emirates. Like many nations in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, Oman’s economy has long been centered around oil and gas. In fact, it ranks as the 6th largest oil producer per capita globally. However, with a surplus of energy resources and a strong desire to diversify its economy, Oman is making significant strides in the world of Bitcoin mining. Oman’s climate, particularly in areas like Salalah, emerges as a natural enhancer for mining operations when compared to the weather in most GCC nations, which are hot and dusty.

Exahertz: Oman’s Trailblazing Bitcoin Mining Company

Exahertz stands as the vanguard of Oman’s Bitcoin mining revolution, embodying a harmonious fusion of Omani heritage, state-of-the-art technology, and unwavering commitment to sustainability. It is more than a mere entity registered within the Salalah Free Zone; it represents a movement, a living testament to the visionary ethos and resolute leadership of its team.

Salalah Free Zone, Salalah, Oman

Pioneering Innovation with Sustainability: Exahertz’s mission goes beyond merely keeping pace with industry standards; it’s about redefining them. This commitment is evident in their strategic decisions, ranging from the efficient utilization of treated water for their cooling towers to their paradigm shift towards using dry transformers to foster sustainability under peak load conditions. Notably, Salalah boasts an impressive 800MW of power through combined cycles of steam and liquefied natural gas (LNG) as seen in the picture below, a testament to Exahertz’s immense potential.

Steam & LNG Power Plant, Salalah, Oman

Exahertz’s Meteoric Rise: Exahertz’s ascent in the Bitcoin mining realm is set to be meteoric. Currently operating 11MW of efficient S19 XP Hydros within Antboxes in Salalah, they show no signs of resting on their laurels. Although this equipment combination has caused others issues in the industry, Exahertz has rigorously tested and optimized their setup to achieve a 99.5% uptime since February 2023. They have taken harmonics into account during the construction of their bases and built an end to end modular setup that can be serviced and shifted as needed. The upcoming months promise an expansion to 55MW, with the horizon holding the grand vision of the Exahertz Technology Park, anticipated to produce hundreds of MWs. Beyond Salalah, Exahertz is also operating in Jebel Akhdar and Sohar, strategically tapping into the unique opportunities that Oman’s electric infrastructure presents.

AsicZ’s CSO Saqib Alam with Exahertz CEO Jad Fredrick Kharma at the Salalah mining facility

Jad Fredrick Kharma: The Heartbeat of Oman’s Bitcoin Mining Revolution

At the heart of Oman’s transformation is a journey – a journey of a man named Jad Fredrick Kharma, CEO of Exahertz. Jad’s story is not just about Bitcoin or mining; it’s about a dream and it’s relentless pursuit against all odds. It’s about the spirit of Oman, its people, and the boundless opportunities it offers to those who dare to dream.

Born in a world where the digital revolution was just taking shape, Jad was always a visionary. A true global citizen with a mixed cultural background and the ability to communicate fluently in five languages, his multicultural upbringing and linguistic versatility have played a pivotal role in his globalized approach to business and innovation. Although he initially solidified his career in the financial industry, he became passionate about Bitcoin and decentralization in it’s early days.

During our conversation, Jad recalls how he spent a lot of Bitcoin in it’s nascent stage to foster it’s growth and utility as a medium of exchange. He always saw potential where others saw challenges. Often perceived as an underdog in the mining industry, he faced numerous hurdles along the way from doubters to skeptics. But just like the ancient Omani sailors who navigated the treacherous waters with determination and skill, Jad too navigated the challenges of the industry with grace and perseverance.

Jad’s foresight in the mining industry is a testament to his unwavering commitment to building infrastructure for sustainable growth. What distinguishes him is his remarkable ability to translate it into reality with unmatched precision and speed, creating of one of the cleanest and most efficient mining sites in the industry. In a mere 22 days, he completed and operationalized an 11MW site, showcasing his determination and organizational acumen. Exahertz’s operations bear witness to his meticulous attention to detail, evident in every facet of their operations.

This commitment to excellence does not exist in isolation. Notably, the Ministry of Transport, Communications, and Information Technology, in partnership with the Authority for Public Services Regulations (APSR), is actively supporting Jad’s ambitious venture. This collaboration underscores Oman’s dedication to infrastructure development and job creation across various sectors. It’s a tangible reflection of the country’s progressive outlook and its alignment with Jad’s goals for sustainable growth and innovation.

Saqib & Jad at the Exahertz office in Salalah Free Zone

We extend our gratitude to Jad for graciously sparing his valuable time for a sit-down interview and for the opportunity to witness the site in person and gain firsthand insights into Exahertz’ remarkable developments.

At AsicZ, we are not just excited about the future of Bitcoin mining in Oman; we are committed to being a part of it. We look forward to working hand in hand with Exahertz, Jad, Oman and the GCC, as we follow their exciting journey towards a brighter, more decentralized future for the mining industry.

Pioneering the Future of Bitcoin Mining in Oman